Urn Club
$185.00 – $250.00
Giving the Urn Club as a Gift?
The recipient won’t receive any ‘surprise-ruining’ emails prior to Christmas.
As an Urn Club member, your home will never be without fresh outdoor flowers or plants.
Urn Club members will choose 4 stunning outdoor seasonal planters to drop into their favourite urn four times a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Urn club members get exclusive access to our members-only area where you can browse for the perfect insert to match your home. Your annual, four season membership will begin in the season you pickup your first outdoor urn insert.
How do I join?
Are you Urn Less? Don’t worry, if you don’t have your own urn, you can still join the Urn Club. We have a variety of outdoor urns for sale in-store.
Getting Urn Club as a Gift?
Planning on getting the Urn Club as a gift for someone and don’t want them to find out ahead of time? Don’t worry! The recipient will not be notified until the next Urn Club season is just around the corner. (No notifications will be sent before Christmas, we’ll leave the surprise up to you!)
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