This bouquet will bring joy and love to your loved one’s eyes and heart. The sweetness of blush roses and alstromeria pairs elegantly against the white mums, dusty pink carnations and stars of bethlehem in this garden style bouquet. Subtle hints of peach hypericum, lilies and white statice are placed throughout to add a finishing touch.
Because of You
$74.00 - $86.00
See all our amazing treats!
* This piece may have substitutions. We take great care in ensuring the overall look, feel and colour palette remain the same.
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SKU: 50349
Categories: Flowers, Hand Tied Bouquets, Handtied Bouquets - Seasonal, Seasonal
Additional information
Vase | No Vase, Vase |
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Surrounded by Love
Brighten up any room with a freshly made hand-tied bouquet from the Watering Can Flowering Market. Order a
hand-tied bouquet online for pick up in Vineland and St. Catharines, or local delivery in the Niagara
Region. Our designs are made fresh and use local flowers – orders yours today!